Hrithik Roshan, a Bollywood superstar who just wrapped Siddharth Anand’s action-packed drama Fighter in 2024 and has currently been deeply entrenched in Yash Raj Films’ War 2, is eyeing his next big project. Peeping Moon reported that the actor was considering joining hands with Kabir Khan for a post-apocalyptic thriller.
Post-apocalyptic thriller is what Hrithik Roshan might be doing with Kabir Khan according to sources.
According to the report, this partnership is at an early stage. In the last few months, Roshan and Khan have been said to have met on several occasions discussing various ideas and potential projects. “Talks are at the primary stage right now, but they’re developing projects together and are hopeful that they come to fruition,” revealed an industry source to the publication.
An additional note about Roshan’s character selection pattern came from the source: “So far things look promising although there has been nothing definite regarding Mr. Roshan as he usually spends substantial amount of time with directors before taking up a project.”
Whether this collaboration focuses on genre or theme is not yet revealed; its thought has sent movie buffs into excitement about forthcoming updates. His upcoming release War 2 will be coming out over Independence Day weekend in 2025 keeping him busy until September 2024 while once it’s done fans can expect more concrete information about these two people working together hopefully leading to an announcement.