Renowned filmmaker Hansal Mehta, known for his poignant storytelling, is set to take on an action film for his next project. While the plot details remain under wraps, the film is rumored to feature actor Lakshya, who delivered a notable performance in the 2024 action-packed film Kill. The casting discussions are ongoing, marking an exciting shift in Mehta’s filmography.
A New Direction for Hansal Mehta
After delivering critically acclaimed works, including a thriller starring Kareena Kapoor Khan and a dramatic web series featuring Pratik Gandhi, Mehta is venturing into the action genre. A report by Mid-Day quoted a source saying, “As a storyteller, Hansal Mehta has always been interested in different spaces. He is excited about taking up an action film with his next, which will be a theatrical release.”
Hansal Mehta to venture into action genre; in talks with Lakshya: Report
Lakshya: The Emerging Talent
Actor Lakshya, who showcased his action skills in Kill, has caught Mehta’s attention for the lead role. “With Kill, the newcomer showed both his acting chops and his flair for action. Hansal is also known for putting faith in newer faces and extracting fine performances from them,” added the source. Although discussions are underway, no official confirmation has been made regarding Lakshya’s involvement.
Hansal Mehta’s filmography boasts a range of biopics and socially relevant narratives. With this upcoming project, the filmmaker aims to broaden his horizons, bringing his signature storytelling to a genre he hasn’t explored before. Fans of both Mehta and Lakshya eagerly await updates on this collaboration.
Speaking of the professional front, Lakshay will next be seen in Karan Johar’s Chand Mera Dil, which co-stars Ananya Panday.
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