Reportedly, the Gujarat High Court is considering watching Maharaj, Junaid Khan’s debut film as supported by his father and Bollywood actor Aamir Khan to determine whether it should be streamed on Netflix. This move was prompted by a member of Pushtimarg sects who feel aggrieved by the release of that movie.
Gujarat HC to see Aamir Khan’s son Junaid Khan’s debut movie Maharaj regarding religious sentiment issues: Report
As per NDTV report, Justice Sangeeta Vishen’s court extended an interim stay on the movie for one more day and scheduled further hearing on Thursday. This came after Yash Raj Films (YRF), film producers offered a link and password to view the movie. This would go along way in determining if it slanders against particular section of religious community or not as claimed by petitioners.
Maharaj is based on a controversial 1862 libel case involving Karsandas Mulji, Vaishnavite religious leader, and social reformer. In one of his Gujarati weekly article Mulji alleged that godman was involve in illicit relationships with women devotees. The petitioners claim that British magistrates who ruled over this matter made “blasphemy charges” against Lord Krishna and devotional hymns which might affect their religious sentiments.
The court must therefore make a decision as to whether it should watch the film at all. Thus both parties –petitioners and YRF- have agreed that viewing the picture will not preclude them from raising other legal objections regarding the validity of petition.
According to Mehta, lawyer for YRF said they will provide link if required by court after hearing arguments from both sides. Petitioner’s counsel Joshi also subscribed to this idea stating there are no qualms about exhibiting this screen before the bench for proper decision making process. He stressed that they wanted justice expedited saying, “If these movies don’t have any religious disrespectful, they should release it. We want to end this quickly.”
The petitioners argue that releasing the film would “gravely injure” their religious beliefs and potentially cause disorder in the society if not violence against their community. They maintain that this film could be in violation of Information Technology Rules’ code of ethics, and Over the Top (OTT) platform’s self-regulation plan by advocating for hatred and violence against Pushtimarg sect.
Earlier on, the petitioners approached the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting urging them to stop the movie from being release. However, there was no response to this request.
In pre-independent India (1862), Mulji Karsandas fought as a journalist cum social reformer. That is why Junaid Khan played his role as he entered into Bollywood world through Aamir Khan, his father. At that time there were only three universities in India and its historical background still carried remanence of 1857 mutiny; however, social and political changes were breathing down our necks. Naoroji Dadabhai a teacher-leader becomes his inspiration whereby young Mumbaikar Mulji emerges as an advocate for low caste communities. He takes up arms against one notable figure within the infamous Maharaj libel case out of unwavering loyalty towards justice.
This movie seeks to rekindle Mulji’s courage and relate his story with modern viewership while at the same time generating public disapproval by creating a Hindu sadhu character within it.