The students’ wing of Trinamool Congress (TMC) showed the West Bengal Governor C.V. Ananda Bose black flags outside Calcutta University (CU) in Kolkata on Thursday (October 3 2024) when he went there for an award function.
Speaking about the black flag protest, Mr. Bose said, “There is nothing wrong in protesting. Everyone has the right to protest. The demonstrator has to decide which way he wants to go,” to be fair. Realising that some supporters of Trinamool Congress Chhatra Parishad (TMCP) have taken to the streets Sage K. Bose pronounced “Political parties have a right to protest.”
CU officiating Vice Chancellor Santa Dutta blamed the media saying, They are not students of the university who protested but internal security did not allow their entry for the protest. The High Court itself had opened up the way for the certificate and diploma awarding ceremony and we came forward with the event inviting the Chancellor – as we have had to do, run scrounging around for documents.
“She further stated that the students wanted that this event should take place without interruptions because they have been encountering problems in regard to their career and seeking employment if they do not receive the papers without paying a fee.”
The TMCP was against the alleged unilateral irregulatory decision of the university authorities to hold the award’s presentation ceremony in the absence of a permanent V-C, which was an impediment to the CU conducting the official convocation.
The Governor, who is also the ex-officio chief officer of Calcutta University, was present at the certificate and medal distribution ceremony of the varsity held on its College Street campus.