On Friday (September 20, 2024), the Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel National Police Academy (SVPNPA) in Hyderabad hosted the Passing Out Parade for the 76RR probationers of the Indian Police Service (IPS) wherein Union Minister of State for Home Affairs Nityanand Rai graced as the Chief Guest.
“You have to be selfless and protect the people. Be prepared to go to combat and deal with the new things that are put against you. Problems of cyber crimes are throwing up new hazards for which the authorities grappling forward. I am sure you will counter this factor employing the technical expertise,” said Nityanand addressing the officers.
The 207 officer trainees’ batch has 58 women trainees. Further, the batch consists of 188 Indian Police Service officers and 19 foreign officer trainees who come from countries like Nepal, Bhutan, Maldives and Mauritius.
Significant number of trainees from U.P., Rajasthan and Bihar
Out of 188 IPS officers (54 being women) among whom work experience of 51% was before joining the service and professional educational background for 58% was in engineering/law/medicine. The average age of the batch was 28 and a sizeable number of students came from UP, Rajasthan and Bihar.
The Parade Commander for the 76 RR Passing Out Parade, a post which reflects his leadership quality as well as the demands of the training was Achyuth Ashok of Kerala cadre. This also went on further to extend a proud history at the Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel National Police Academy as past Parade Commanders have been Kiran Shruthi D.V (71 RR 2018), Ranjeeta Sharma (72 RR 2019), Darpan Ahluwalia (73 RR 2020), Shanhansha K.S (74 RR 2021) and Anushtha Kalia (75 RR 2022). The honor of being selected as Parade Commander was conferred in relation to the exceptional qualities demonstrated by the officer during training as regards their performance and leadership in the course of their training exercises.
The officer trainees followed a syllabus which included modernized Indian laws, investigations, cyber crime, artificial intelligence, cryptocurrency and many more. Outdoor training included physical fitness development, weapons training, unarmed combat training, field craft and tactics.
Last year found the 76 RR batch commencing its course with 219 officer trainees. Later, twelve of IPS officers from this batch moved to take up IAS.
The minister added that there is a view in the center that the issues in the digital future can be addressed through technology. I expect them to be technically trained, police officers are being prepared now,” he said.
Most interestingly, he also warned probationers that no investigation shall be limited to a state or a territory. “If a crime is committed, then you must trace the crime to its roots and genesis in order to destroy it. You must be in a position to assure that there is order and tranquility under your command. With the coming in of new laws, there has been a shift on how officers are taught, they are taught for 21st century. In fact, our Prime Minister holds that it is necessary for every person to be proud of his place of origin and his place of service. You have to be very friendly to the people and sell your ideas in both hands up fashion and argue for them. You will soon perform your duty and protect the people, and take all of their responsibility,” he summarily said.
Today, officer trainees with a lot of affective feelings have very powerful day and serve well to the nation, is what rationale wished, said Amit Garg, the Director of National Police Academy.
Among those officers whose cadre was allocated to the Telangana state, are Manan Bhat from the J&K cadre. Ruthwik Sai Kotte and Saikiran Pathipaka are from the Telangana state as well. Yadav Vasundhara Faurebi was from UP. The officers who were posted to Andhra Pradesh cadre were Deeksha from Haryana, Hemanth Boddu from Andhra Pradesh, Maneesha Vangala Reddy from AP state, and Sushmitha R from Tamil Nadu.
The training also includes the final 9-week Phase-II Basic Course which will be conducted in the SVPNPA commencing on May 26, 2025.
Honoring their Probationary trainees’ super, superior, class training in the batch.
In the passing out Operation Parade, many officer trainees were rewarded.
From the Uttar Pradesh cadre, Vishwajeet Souryan was given the Sword of Honour of IPS Association for the Best Outdoor Probationer in the Training School. From the Haryana cadre, Ayush Yadav was awarded Tonk Cup for Equitation, and Achyuth Ashok from Kerala cadre received National Forensic Science University (NFSU) Trophy for the excellence in Police Science. For the Law discipline, Sonali Mishra from Uttar Pradesh was awarded the Law Manipur Cup and for Computer Studies Faisal Khan from Haryana was presented with the NCR Bureau Trophy. In outdoor subjects, Lt. Kinga Tshering of Royal Bhutan Police was the recipient of proficiency in BSF Trophy and Lt. Phuntsho Om of Bhutan was the recipient of Director SVP NPA Trophy for Best Lady Probationer Indoor Training and Director’s Trophy for Best Foreign Officer Trainee Phase-I.