The third instalment of his popular horror-comedy franchise Sardaar Ji has just been announced by the versatile Punjabi actor, singer Diljit Dosanjh. Titled SARDAARJI 3, the movie is expected to be in cinemas globally on 27th June, 2025.
Dosanjh himself made this thrilling announcement through his Instagram page. Enigmatic poster with a blurry and black-and-white image of Dosanjh standing backfacing a camera accompanied by voice-over dialogue exchange have already captured imaginations of fans. Whereas the caption goes: “SARDAAR JI 3 Releasing Worldwide 27th June 2025”. However, though this revelation does not disclose any details about plot or director or cast members (except for main character), it has definitely created quite a buzz.
White Hill Studios’ Gunbir Singh Sidhu and Manmord Sidhu have teamed up with Story Time Productions to make Sardaarji 3; another addition to a film series that has entertained viewers since five years ago. Likewise, Mandy Takhar and Neeru Bajwa acted in the film.
Its successor Sardaar Ji 2 was also released in theatres in 2016 after witnessing overwhelming success of its first version. In this one he played three roles which served as evidence of his talent on stage. Similarly Monica Gill and Sonam Bajwa were added onto the cast list with both movies directed by Rohit Jugraj Chauhan.
Jatt & Juliet came out in June 2024 which marked his latest successful release. Neeru Bajwa was also featured in romantic comedy making it their second time starring together on screen after Jatt & Juliet two henceforth they made history when their films crossed the Rs100 crore mark at the global box office.
This past year had seen him notch up a number of successes however most notably was Amit Bhalla’s musical drama Amar Singh Chamkila, and in the multi-starrer Crew (2019) with Tabu, Kareena Kapoor Khan and Kriti Sanon.