Air Chief Marshal Amar Preet Singh, Chief of the Air Staff, will preside as the Reviewing Officer at the Combined Passing Out Parade (CGP) of the Indian Air Force (IAF), scheduled to be held at the Air Force Academy in Dundigal, on Hyderabad outskirts, on December 14.
The event will mark the culmination of pre-commissioning training for the flight cadets of Number 214 Course, encompassing various branches of the IAF. During the ceremony, the Reviewing Officer will present the President’s Commission upon the graduating trainees.
The parade will also feature the conferring of ‘Wings’ and ‘Brevets’ awards to the flight cadets and officers who have successfully completed their training from the Indian Navy, Indian Coast Guard, and one officer from a friendly foreign nation. A highlight of this CGP will be the commissioning of the first batch of officers into the newly formed Weapon Systems Branch of the IAF.
The top-performing cadet from the Flying branch will receive the President’s Plaque and the Chief of the Air Staff Sword of Honour for excellence in training. This cadet will also lead the parade. Additionally, the Reviewing Officer will present the President’s Plaque to the cadet securing the highest overall merit in the Ground Duty branch.
The ceremony will feature performances by the SU-30 MKI, the Surya Kiran Aerobatic Team (SKAT), and the Sarang helicopter display team. A flypast featuring the Pilatus PC-7 Mk-II, Hawk, Kiran, and Chetak aircraft will add to the spectacle.
Published – December 10, 2024 03:38 pm IST