Medical check-up organized by the Karnataka Examinations Authority (KEA) for CET applicants who have claimed seats under the specially-abled category for professional courses, including engineering and medical, will take place from June 10 to 12.
The KEA office at Malleswaram will be where H. Prasanna, the executive director of KEA says that a team of doctors will conduct the check-ups on the applicant concerned as mentioned in a press release.
According to Mr. Prasanna, there are 783 people that have applied under the special abled category. The list of students who should sit for medical examinations and their schedules is available on the KEA website.
Further Elaborating this point he said -the final decision with regards to eligibility under the differently abled are of study lies with a medical committee which is formed within KEA.
Applicants should come along with them their UGPET application form photocopy, one ID photo copy of candidate and a health certificate. For those ones who have hearing problems they ought to bring along with them certificates issued by All India Institute of Speech and Hearing as noted in this statement.