All your efforts to assist everybody will make you feel tired and weariness. For instance, investing on antiques and jewelry would result to benefits as well as riches. Control your tongue as it could hurt the feelings of your grandparents. Silence is golden than spending time in saying things that do not add value. Remember we only give life meaning through reasonability of our actions. Allow them see that you love them too much. Possibly one can enjoy a different kind of romance. The natives who have creative job may face various problems today. You can realize how important is job itself over creative work. Today can be viewed free web series on mobile anyhow while having leisure time at home even if it is changed your life partner’s day at least for the best part of it.Looks like, the day is better than normal days with your life-partner
Lucky Number :- 7
Lucky Color :- Cream and White
Remedy :- To enjoy the benefits of good health, ensure that your home gets sufficient sunlight.
Today’s Rating
These are generalized predictions based on your moon sign. For more personalized predictions, connect live with an Astrologer on call or chat!

Cancer daily horoscope lets you look for the better and worse part of your day. Also, predictions show the right and wrong time of the day when you can schedule any work or event. All things have two sides like a coin which has head and tail. Similar to that throughout the whole day there are several good and bad moments. Muhurat in Vedic Astrology is checked with the help of Panchang.
Also read: Today Lucky Colour
Today’s cancer horoscope will help you know when to begin any activity or work. You will be aware of the consequences of any particular task performed in a certain duration. Cancer daily horoscope is an outline to be considered before starting a new project. Better if you anticipate the outcomes earlier than they happen. On this site, there are daily horoscopes for Cancers with their personality traits provided by us.
Also read: Today Lucky Number
But before proceeding towards Cancer daily horoscope, let’s understand about the Cancer zodiac sign
Also read: Today Horoscope
What is Cancer Zodiac Sign?
The fourth sign of the Zodiac belt is Cancer. The Cancerhoroscope today relies on the fourth sign of Kaal Purush Kundali. This particular sign has a 30 degree longitude. It commences from the vernal equinox at 90 degrees and ends at 120 degrees. It includes the last pada of Punarvasu, full pada of Pushya and full Ashlesha. It is watery and also it is a first sign among watery signs.It is movable, cardinal and chara.This nature bears fruits; as well as this, it is feminine, nocturnal mute and tropical. If sun in Cancer then it will be in northern hemisphere hence why it’s called a northern sign for cancer.
Cancer is ruled by Moon. Jupiter is in an exalted state here while Mars is the most weakened planet in Cancer. At 5 degrees, Jupiter gets exalted whereas Mars becomes completely debilitated at 28 degrees. This sign has friends such as Sun, Jupiter and Mars but foes include Mercury, Venus and Saturn. The Cancer horoscope can be used to have a better understanding of the Cancer zodiac sign. It will help you to identify some of your basic features which you expose to other people in this world outside there. If you want to gather more information about characteristics of the Cancer ascendant, make sure that you read our Cancer Daily Horoscope today.
Cancer and their Physical Appearance
Different qualities are associated with each zodiac sign according to Vedic Astrology. For more information on your daily chores, profession, love life, finance, family and health you can refer to Cancer horoscope today. Below are some physical features of Cancerians that we have outlined.
- They have clumsy body, slender limbs and powerful claws.
- They have large upper body.
- They have a wide face between ears.
- They have large mouth with nice teeth of chalky colour.
- They have brown hair and pale complexion.
Characteristics for Cancer Born People
Astrology is the knowledge of zodiac signals and their different characters. All the zodiac signs are different from one another. Today’s horoscope for Cancer contains information on this sign’s daily traits and characteristics. Some of the characteristics of Cancer that we have also discussed include:
- They are famous for a changeful life. They face many ups and downs in their life.
- Moon provides them with fertile imagination and adventures.
- They can quickly understand other’s nature and absorb their ideas.
- They are often over sensitive, emotional and sympathetic. They are talkative and sentimental.
- They have high degree of nervous irritability due to extreme sensitiveness.
- These people have been found timid and sometimes very courageous under certain circumstances, just like
Moon, which can change from being full to new. - They are timid to face any physical danger but brave to handle mental or moral attitude.
- They have changeable temper and also anger is a frequent emotion for them.
- These natives are very fond of home, family, acquaintances and its comforts due to fourth sign of zodiac.
- Thay are intellectually determined, specially for family or historic events.
- They are fortunate and appear open and frank but unfortunately they are not so, as they hide emotions from others. They are impressive and magnetic people.
- They may conquer the trials in their lives but they don’t forget it easily.
- They realize fullest significance of money and /are little too private or personal.
- They have deep feelings of loyalty and responsibility. If they decide any plan, they will stick to it,
and ultimately enjoy the success of that attempt. They are interested in getting small amount of money from many sources. - They are strong and true if they receive affections from their partner. They won’t give up their partner
until and unless any drastic scenarios have occured. - They are very medium and sensitive in nature as Cancer sign is said to be the sign of sensitivity. Hence they have psychic and mediumistic faculty. Many mimics, magicians and actors are born in Cancer sign.
- They keep their partner cheerful and enthusiastic as they are romantic and imaginative.
- They can be influenced easily with the circumstances as the sign is watery and due to the nature of
water taking the shape in which it is kept/poured. - They are sensitive, retiring and unassuming. If they are neglected, then they become moody.
- They will have a monotonous life without romance. They will sacrifice their comforts etc. and be very
loyal and affectionate. - They will have variable handwriting as Moon rules over it, hence due to the varying nature of Moon, the formation of letters in handwriting also varies.
What does Cancer sign signify in various aspects of life?
The qualities of a Cancer native have been outlined above. Now let us look at the various areas that Cancer sign deals with in their lives. In order to know about your daily life, you shouldread Cancer daily horoscope for today. The following are areas which are usually dealt by Cancer sign:
They are devoted towards their family. They love to be part of the family and where everthey live, they will like to be there. They always stay engaged in their homes and gardens. They love to collect old things and store them in shelves. They travel constantly, but if they are physically present in their home then only they consider themselves being there. No matter how much difficulty they have to face, they would go through it just to have a comfortable life.They entertain friends and make full use of their time together with such people as these ones. Their business is mainly set up close to their place because most of the time they want to be around their family.
Health & Diseases:
They grow fragile but after reaching adulthood, they enjoy good health. Typically ruled by the chest and stomach, cancer sign is related with Moon hence indicates stress or mental problems. Respiratory and digestive systems need care here. Mental control can bring body under control through sound system of dietetics and physical exercises. Asthma, gastric trouble and weak digestion may affect them seriously too. Besides this one mustpay attention on his throat region.
Sometimes those diseases could include influenza, pulmonary tuberculosis, bronchitis coughs asthmatic bronchitis, such as pulmonary tuberculosis, coughs etc., affections of oesophagus flatulence dyspepsia pleurisy dropsy beri-beri fear complex, hysteria jaundice obstruction of bile gallstone worm boils on chest near collar bones.
These people suit very well for commercial career particularly catering services.If necessary, run restaurants; beverage bars; sell tea or coffee; operate general stores;grocery shops or fruit stalls. Nurses, matrons, managers and secretaries are those employed inhospitals. Purchasing or regulating higher purchases, morticians etc are among the people thatwork in hospitals. The antiquities can be handled by them.They deal with water representing fields in business.They may get jobs in the history section or archeological department.They may sell milk products.
They enjoy their family life to the fullest. A married life which is not full of troublesis known as well settled life for these people. Girls born under this sign are occasionally moody and will be satisfiedby anything offered by their husbands. They are good mothers indeed. Affectionate, adaptable, dutiful and devoted, patient and pleasing, sincere and sympathetic.
Lucky Day:
Tuesday, considered as a success day for these people. Friday, will come out to be the profit day. Wednesday is good for journeys and investment and expenses. Thursdays are good enough for contacting and arranging overdraft accounts. Saturdays are not counted auspiciously because it brings about disharmony, differences in opinion, depression, dispute, delay and denial etc. Mondays will provide changeable temperament as well as success in endeavors. Sunday is good money gaining day.
Lucky Colour: White cream, red and yellow are lucky colours for these people. Blue and green
should be avoided.
Lucky Number: 2, 7 and 9 are fortunate. 1, 3, 4 and 6 are good. 5 and 8 need to be avoided.
Lucky Gems: Diamond,
ruby, yellow sapphire,
avoid wearing blue sapphire and
Products: Milk and milky products, silver, tea, shipping, petrol, business, commerce, all liquids,
fruits, coffee, greens, rubber, cabbage and mushroom etc.
Places: Canals, lakes, seas, wells, rivers, springs, streams etc.
Cancer daily horoscope will help you to know about your day to day life’s aspects which are represented
by Cancer sign.
What do all 12 houses signify for Cancer Born?
Vedic Astrology emphasizes the importance of houses. In a horoscope, each house has its own special meaning. We will give you information on the house significations and their ruling Lord for Cancer borns. Here are the house significations:
- First House: The first house represents “the self.” The first house is Cancer and it is ruled by the moon.
- Second House: Family, wealth and finances are denoted by this house. Leo’s second house is cancer born people’s second house which is governed by the Sun.
- Third house: This horoscope indicates Communication & Siblings. Third house in astrology is ruled by Virgo and its ruling planet is Mercury.
- Fourth House: It signifies “Sukhsthana” i.e 4th bhava – mother’s place. Fourth house for Cancer born people is ruled over by Libra, its ruling planet being Venus.
- Fifth House: This shows children and education. Scorpio rules over Cancer born fifth house on the zodiac and Mars rules this position.
- Sixth House: It means debt, disease as well as enemy. Sixth house which is ruled by Sagittarius has Jupiter as its ruling planet.
- Seventh House: Partnership, spouse and marriage come under seventh house. For cancer born Capricorn rules over seventh house while Saturn governs it.
- Eighth House: Longevity and mystery are represented here. Aquarius takes over the eighth house whose ruling planet happens to be Saturn too.
- Ninth House: Ninth house indicates Guru/Teacher & Religion. Ninth House of Pisces that is governed by Jupiter within this sign on the zodiac calendar basically represents the religious aspect of a person’s life.
- Tenth House: Tenth refers to career or profession or Karma sthana.Tenth House number 10 in Cancer birth chart belongs to Aries constellation which is ruled by Mars.
- Eleventh House: This stands for gains and incomes. Eleventh House belongs to Taurus within Cancer Birth Chart, while Venus influences it as a rulingplanet
- Twelfth House: It represents the expenditure and losses. Twelfth House in Gemini where Mercury takes charge of all things literally spent or lost by the Cancer Born.
This just goes to show how we have been able to describe some of the personality traits for Cancer sign people. We hope you enjoyed them and that you can also get an idea of your personality through Cancer horoscope today.
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