Chief Minister N Chandrababu Naidu met with Endowments Minister Anam Ramnarayana Reddy, TTD Executive Officer J Shyamala Rao, Additional EO Veeraiah Chowdary and other officials in Padmavati guest house on October 5 2024 and appraised the various services provided to the pilgrims once again and in totality.
While reiterating the need to respect the sanctity of the hill temple, Mr. Naidu stated, ‘Govindanamams’ shall be the only sound emanating inside the temple town atop the hill. This Bhakti love should not be curtailed any by any means.
Further, he even ordered the officials to increase the coverage of forests in tirumala forests which are presently 72% to Pon 80% in the next five years attaching it to the general forest cover and development plans. An additional urging bent this way emerged in the form of begging reports from the OB Kashmir surrounding the observable region and its surroundings on the factors targeting biodiversity within the protective zone.
By his comments, the reader understands that in regard to pilgrims’ services, he suggested for embedding the feedback system so that believers can comment about their experiences and recommendations and he requested that the system be made available in all the temples under the TTDs management in a gradual manner.
He also urged that contact and quality of preparation of laddus and other temple prasadams should be maintained par the call of the devotees by calling for superior quality batches of prasadams.
He expressed concern about the increasing culture of cone knowledge at the Anatman grove and stressed the need to respect the VIP culture, which must tackle with simplicity and spirituality with reduced embellishments and expenses where appropriate.
Caring for the welfare of all the people, especially those heading TTD, the Chief Minister furthermore specified that such respect ought to be offered to all the followers without distinction of distance traveled warning the staff from any unruly undertaking, arguing that pilgrims ought to go back home content and fulfilled.
Improvement of the services located in Sri Venkateswara Institute of Medical Sciences is what he also supported, whilst referring to it as an important institution in the area.
The meeting concluded with Mr. Naidu once again stating that he would keep YTRT spiritually and ecologically healthy and provide outdoor pilgrims the best quality service.
Later, he also launched the upgraded Vakulamatha centralised Kitchen before driving to Tirupati airport from where he flew to Hyderabad.