The present Privacy Policy is intended to demonstrate how collects, employs, and safeguards the personal information you provide while using this website. We are committed to ensuring that your privacy as well as the security of your personal information is protected. So, when you use, you agree with the terms of this policy.

Information We Collect

While visiting, we may collect some personally identifiable information such as:

Name: we might gather your name when voluntarily given like submitting comments or contacting us through our site.

Email Address: we could get your email address during newsletter subscription or contact us via our site.

IP Address: for analytics and security purposes we automatically collect IP addresses alongside its related information such as approximate location.

Cookies: to enhance browsing experience and track usage information cookies are used. You can manage these through browser settings.

Use of Information

We use collected data for the following reasons:

Customizing our services for you;

Communication with you including answering inquiries and giving customer support;

Sending newsletters, updates or promotional materials (if subscribed);

Analyzing usage of the site so as to improve content and services offered thereon;

Preventing frauds; protecting website’s security; complying with legal obligations.

Data Sharing & Disclosure

Except where otherwise provided by an applicable law or required by a judicial order, we do not sell trade or transfer personally identifiable information about users without their consent. Nonetheless it becomes necessary sometimes under certain circumstances that require sharing such details which include but not limited to:

Service Providers – trusted third party service providers may need access into some parts or all areas of our online platform for supporting its operational efficiency while serving its clients better. However they shall only be allowed access on need-to-know basis after signing non-disclosure agreement forms binding them against revealing any user’s private data entrusted to them during service rendering period;

Legal Requirements – If compelled by statute laws enacted within jurisdiction where operates, or responding to valid legal processes like court orders etc., then personal information could be disclosed;

Consent – In instances where consent has been given either expressly or impliedly at time when collecting data from individuals concerned with the same sharing may take place.

Data Retention

We keep personal information as long it is necessary for the purposes outlined here and in accordance with applicable law requirements on data storage periods. If no legal obligation requires or permits longer retention period, we will not store such records beyond what’s stipulated herein this privacy policy document.


We employ reasonable safeguards designed to protect against unauthorized access disclosure alteration destruction of any kind under our control over your personally identifiable information (PII). Nevertheless please note that there can be no guarantee made by any organization about absolute security because even though best efforts are made towards ensuring safety measures implementation thereof could still fail due various reasons including but not limited to technical failures inherent in internet connectivity systems used globally today.


You have right access update correct delete unsubscribe opt-out exercise these rights or make privacy-related inquiries get touch using details found below.

Changes to This Privacy Policy

We reserve the right to modify amend alter or otherwise update our privacy policy at any time without prior notice being given thereof. Therefore it is advisable for all users of website to check back here regularly so as stay informed about such changes which become effective upon posting them this page along with revised ‘Last Updated’ date shown thereon.

Contact Us

If you have questions concerns requests concerning this privacy statement content posted therein on other webpages owned controlled operated by us please contact:
